Big Santa Slots

Big Santa Slots

Big Santa Slots is a North Pole adventure with some of the most iconic figures from Christmas and holiday lore! From reindeers to Mrs. Clause and the big man himself, players will feel nostalgic yet hungry for not only cookies.. but the massive rewards waiting just around the snowy corner!

WIth twenty five paylines and numerous winter time emblems for players to match, Big Santa Slots is a truly thematic and wondrous adventure in which players will feel right at home! Wagering on the world of St. Nick. is not only unique but truly fun, players will find themselves seeking the most valuable of winter symbols to clear the board and eventually hit the mini jackpots! There is no distinctive ticker on Big Santa Slots to track the mega jackpot, but with each board clear and emblem match players will see the numbers rise and the rewards they are really after! Don't let the snow conceal some of the best rewards out there, it's on the player to discover the wealthy secrets of the Clauses and their winter world!

Matching elves and winter treats has never felt so good, especially when the match bonuses on one's favorite character is the one that changes the game forever! The world may be fantastical and a creation, but the rewards are vastly real! The pay lines and mini jackpots on the main board appear frequently, especially when the classic characters are matched more often than not. When the board is taken over in the bonus, it's key to keep and eye on the emblems that provide the most reward density and attack them for all its worth! Countless hours of wagers can be had as the minimum bet still allows players to hit the mega jackpot, this may take a lot more spins but it's motivation for newer players to go for the gusto!

The free play and balance also provides another outlook the to the Christmas adventure and without the real wagers, it feels like a fun and old fashioned slots game adventure! The mix of classic winter creatures and animations give a warm vibe that melds well with the serene North Pole background and cute, yet effective sound effects and music board.

The vibe to Big Santa Slots is that of a good game, one that can be played in Summer or any time of the year. The Christmas theme only adds to the prospect of gifts and rewards, but the animations and character design make it play like a modern, virtual casino game.